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Our company donated 210000 masks to support fighting the COVID-19
Source: | Author:Office | Published time: 2020-02-28 | 2721 Views | Share:

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there have been serious shortages of medical protection equipment in all parts of the country.

After learning of this situation, Mr. Yang Ruixiong, general manager of QIAOHUA(GUANDGONG) TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD made a decisive decision on the first day of the Lunar New Year, mobilized the company staff to make use of the precious resources accumulated in the export trade industry over the years, and contacted customers all over the world to find the source of masks. In particular, the overseas employees of the company made every effort to purchase masks at a high price abroad day and night during the Spring Festival.

Through various efforts, they gathered 210,000 masks and transported them back to China by air in batches to donate them to hospitals in Guangdong.

Due to the outbreak of the epidemic, it is difficult to obtain masks at home and abroad. Someone learned that Mr. Yang had purchased 210,000 masks, and offered a price as high as $2.50 per mask, but he refused. However, Mr. Yang Ruixiong said that Qiaohua is considering how to transport the masks back to the most needed units in China as soon as possible, regardless of the cost.

Because of the recent shortage of air transport capacity, there are many difficulties in the process of air transportation of masks back to China. Mr. Yang Ruixiong dealt with this problem day and night and went through various procedures before he delivered the masks safely.

"Every person should be responsible for the country's difficulties," he said, "it is the wish of every Chinese at home and abroad to do something for the domestic epidemic prevention and control, and it is also the social responsibility that private enterprises should bear!"